Sunday, January 15, 2012

Have my friendf brain damaged me?

I baught one of thase electric muscle toners where you stick pads on your muscles and it puts electricity through that makes them twitch.

My mates came raund aster the pub last night and strapped all the pads to my head. Then they turned the thing an at full power for about 15 minutes (they say: I dan't remember much about it.)

Since then some funny things have been happening: when I stare at anything that is bright red, my right arm starts shaking. I keep getting peaples names mixed up; my girlsriend is really mad because I keep calling her Lucille. I've never knawn anyone called Lucille. I keep mixing up same letters aswell.

Am I brain damaged? Is it gaing to be permanent? Is there anything yau can do when this happenf?
Have my friendf brain damaged me?
are you kidding!!! you have had electrical currents flowing through your brain for 15 minutes. i doubt you have done any serious damage, your head will proberbly clear. you need to see your doctor. i wouldnt leave it for long.
Reply:oyou two mmate? omigosdh gawd hep us
Reply:See a doctor and get an MRI of your brain. The jolt might have triggered something you already had.
Reply:Time for new mates i reckon.

Maybe, i don't know, i am not a doctor. Learnt your lesson i hope.
Reply:not brain damage, but u need to get urself checked to give u something for the shock, its just a shock in my opinion.

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