Sunday, January 15, 2012

Can you help me paraphrase this?

McDonalds Corporation makes billions of dollars. Exxon makes billions of dollars in profit. Most of the work is done by other people who make a meager hourly wage. In a capitalist system there are winners and losers, and there are only a few winners. Though Douglass found this system better than total slavery, he does mention how similar it is. There is not much difference between being a total slave and giving your money to your aster, who then gave you a few pennies back, and our current system, where we work extremely hard and most of the money goes to few rich people at the top.
Can you help me paraphrase this?
McDonalds Corporation makes billions of dollars. Exxon makes billions of dollars in profit. Most of the work is done by other people who make a meager hourly wage. In a capitalist system there are winners and losers, and there are only a few winners. Though Douglass found this system better than total slavery, he does mention how similar it is.
Reply:Most large companies make their money through low aid workers. douglass feels this is like slavery, but better because the worker does get some money.
Reply:The rich get richer, the poor stay poor.

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