Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pit bulls! This is not a question but a statement.?

I'm getting tried of hear and reading how bad pit bulls are. The breed is sweet, loving nad wonderful with kids. They have a better temperment than most family dogs. They cause less than 2% of dog bites in the US, ASPCA figures.

they work as police dogs, rescue dogs campanians for handicapped. They are used at retirment homes to help depression. People like Helen Keller, Fred ASter, Presdent T. Roosevelt, Mickael J. Fox own these dogs. They were used in movies,and the Little Resacals.

here are some web sites take a look;s...
Pit bulls! This is not a question but a statement.?
Again, totally true! The problem is a few bad people fighting their dogs or letting them run loose to maul a child. The media (and people in general) love a good horror story. Instead, how about calling your local papers and tv stations and ask them to do a story about how great your dogs are. Show them video tape of pit bulls as trained companions, service dogs and therapy dogs. Explain that these are powerful dogs that need early training and firm leadership. Good luck!
Reply:all the pits ive come in contact with are great loving dogs...its the bad seeds you have to look for...but all people no matter who/what you are can "make" a bad dog Report It
Reply:They are dangerous dogs and I think make a really stupid choice for a pet Report It

that is the type of ignorance us Pittie lovers are always talking about. Report It
Reply:I had a Pit Bull female once and she absolutely loved kids. She, did not however, love the Chihuahua next door. I do think that they get a bad rep.
Reply:i 110% agree, i have had my pitbull, Tank, for almost 10 years and he is such a baby!! he has Never even barked at anyone, only animals outside at night. i have 2 kids and people have always told me i shouldnt have tank around them, but he was raised around kids, he is scared of the kids mostly! you cant base opinions on dogs so generally, it is all in how they are trained/raised. i wouldnt tempt fate with any dog around my kids, but not just because of the breed.

plus-it's kinda nice that he is "scary" to some people so when my husband is away i feel safer

i just watched, so sad to look at the hurt dogs, but so nice to see the family pictures, makes me want to go home and hug mine!! thanks
Reply:OK, You are getting tired of people running down pit bulls. I am getting tired of people telling me that they are so wonderful and that if there are any problems that it is owner.

My own pit bull was absolutely the 'sweetest dog in the world', until he attacked and nearly killed my 3 year old daughter. (unprovoked)

My friend and neighbor's pit bull attacked her and mauled her leg, just because she told him "No, go lay down" when he was begging at the table.

My friend's pit bull attacked him while he was feeding him.

I work at a boarding/day care kennel. We have only 3 pit bull clients. None of them can be allowed to play with the other dogs, as they are always looking for a fight. These dogs are owned by the outstanding citizens of our town, who care enough to put them in day care while they work.

ALL of these were responsible owners, with well trained "sweet" pit bulls.

My friends run a pit bull rescue and show UKC pit bull's and poodles. They came home from a trip to the grocer's to find 3 poodles dead, and 1 wounded. The pit bulls were all bloody and happy.

Yes, many pit bulls are and stay wonderful pets. But many of them do not... I will never trust another.

Just look at the asker's questions for a couple of days. So many are about a dog aggressive pit bull, and how to make them not kill the other dogs, or tear the fence down trying to get at people and dogs, etc.
Reply:If you read about the orgins of the pit bull, you will find out they are originally bred to be fighters, but to not bite their owners, like other breeds who are bred to herd, hunt, ect. Even when puppies go to a great family, their "wiring" is still there and might not be able to change. If people get pits, I would recommend you get it from a reputable breeder where there is good blood lines. THEN make sure they go to dog training where they learn to deal with their aggression. The sites you provided are good links to show the responsibility of a pit.
Reply:Sure, your right. But so is everyone that has been attacked, know someone who was, or lost a child due to an attack. There is no denying these dogs have a tendency to bite/attack, I don't care how many sweet ones you have owned. They were bred for this purpose, and they continue to live up to their name. No, it is not fair, and it is not their fault, but its the truth of the matter and there is no getting around it with accounts of sweet, loving pets as instances. You obviously don't have children. IF you did, there would be no question. Tell me, you have heard all the horror stories, if you had a sweet little 3 year old girl that trusted you completely and looked to you to supply her every need, would you have her around your sweet pitbull? Just the remote chance of an attack should be foremost in your mind. Knowing this, you would have to choose. We all love our dogs dearly, but they are dogs, not human.
Reply:true but they can get aggressive really easily
Reply:you are so right pit bulls are very all depends on the owner %26amp; how they train it to be. i think it would be very enjoying to have a pit bull at home...maybe i should get one
Reply:Maybe, but i saw my sister bitten and my dog killed by a pitbull. I know other dogs could do the same thing, but the jaw strength of a pitbull makes it a formidable killer compared to other dogs.
Reply:Hello, I am a dog trainer, breeder, and also a dog groomer (whew). I have trained many pit bulls and they can be wonderful, intelligent, sweet, and loving family dogs. They can also be very unpredictable, aggressive, and dangerous. I have also researched the breed because as it's so popular I really need to have info on hand because so many people own this breed and I need to "know" what I'm talking about. My own personal opinion on the pitbull (and this is also what I advise clients trying to make a decision on a breed) is that there are SO many breeds and mixed breeds in the world to select from. Why would someone select one of the most controversial breeds out there? And then get upset that people are afraid/disdainful of their breed? Most of the stories are true - the good AND the bad. Why play Russian roulette?
Reply:You are right of coarse. Pits have been given a bad rap and it's all because of peoples ignorance. If they were as racist about humans as they are being about dogs we would be back to slavery in a day. It's trash.
Reply:I agree! My pitbull loves kids. He's a very protective and alert. If you raise it the wrong way then of course it would be a threat.
Reply:I couldn't agree with you more, Iam a dog trainer, and have helped train many Pitts and have enjoyed them very much they so LOVABLE! Actually my least favorite breed of dog is the min-pin. Most of the ones I have encountered were lovable and all but they are a funny breed. and you are right about dog bite stats but did you know that most dog bites occur from small breed dogs! Thank for the statement!
Reply:I've worked for 7 diff. vets. ;it's ALWAYS the OWNER'S fault if the dog grows up to be vicious -never the DOGS!!! I've had Dobermans, boxers, Heinz 57s, and right now I have a Dalmation and a 220 lb. English Mastiff. Some of these so called "vicious" breeds are, by nature, the kindest, most loyal pets ever! Dogs become vicious out of FEAR!!! It ALL depends on how they are raised %26amp; treated. My Mastiff (a breed known to be the BEST kids' dogs) is a fear biter. It has taken 3 years to help her and approx. 80-90 stitches. Myself, my daughter, %26amp; one of my sons. If she feels cornered, you've had it. To remember who %26amp; how I got her from scarred ME mentally!!! It's not the dogs that need to be put down. :)
Reply:TOTALLY TRUE!!! I have always believe it is the owner not the dog when i see those stories.
Reply:The problem with pit bulls is the fact that aggressive temperaments are continuing to be bred into the lines by idiots that want to make a quick buck off fighting them. The true pit bulls bred by responsible breeders have much steadier more predictable temperaments.

The problem with that is that the irresponsible breeders flood the market with dogs genetically inclined to be aggressive(pick up any paper, its full of "pit bull puppies, $50") The people that fight their dogs breed in incredible numbers, keep a few for fighting and sell or abandon the remaining puppies. Those puppies end up in unsuspecting homes with owners that aren't aware of the genetic makeup of their new family member.

That's why its always best to go to a responsible breeder with tons of references, allows tours of their kennels and as uncomfortable as it may seem at the time you know you are in the presence of a good breeder when you feel like you are being interrogated. A responsible breeder will not sell to just anyone that seems ok and has the cash. Above all, a good breeder will not have an ad in the paper and you generally will not be able to pay less than $500. (pet store puppies should also be avoided like the plague.)
Reply:In Australia Pitbulls are in the process of being banned - due to the number and frequency of attacks. Children, elderly, pets, innocent passers by....

My friend had a Pitbull - they said it was very friendly etc. I NEVER trusted it. When it had puppies it ate all but one which it killed and tore to shreds! Its OWN puppies!

My father was walking my poodle/spaniel cross when he was set upon by two pitbulls. He fought them off and yelled for help - thankfully he and my dog were uninjured - but if it had been a child the outcome would be MUCH different - he now walks with a walking stick to protect himself.

Sure other dogs attack too - it is their upbringing that controls it to some extent - but pitbulls and staffordshire bull terriors are known for their aggression and being purely nuts! Pitbulls were BRED for their aggression to be fighting dogs in Pits (hence their name!)

We had a German Shepherd x Staffie who was just nuts! We trained her, and she was extreamely gentle and pleasant around us - but VERY aggressive around anyone else - her eyes would glaze over and she would attack at no provication - but would never attack us. We did keep her - and ensured she never escaped, and always wore a muzzle when she went for walks "just in case" though she never went for anyone off our territory (would only attack if someone was on our property even if it was a friend). We would NEVER have trusted her around children.

In the same way - anyone who has a Pitbull should muzzle them when they are off their yard, (even if they are believed to be placid) and always keep them on a lead - NO dog should be allowed to roam off lead when in public.

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