Sunday, January 15, 2012

This is something a bit different.....Can you write a little poem or story that.....?

Starts off each line with one of the letters of %26gt;%26gt; HERE COMES THE SUPERBOWL%26lt;%26lt;


H igh above the billowing clouds.....

E verybody has their day........

R ight on the money.....

E aster time when.....

I think you get the message. Have fun, friends.
This is something a bit different.....Can you write a little poem or story that.....?

H ow many of you wish the TV show Cheers was still running in regular broadcasting—not just reruns? (1982-1993)

E very week a group of locals met to drink and have fun at the bar where “Everybody Knows Your Name.”

R etired baseball player and recovering alcoholic, Sam Malone, was the owner of the bar. Diane Chambers was his girlfriend/waitress.

E nsemble cast included: Norm Peterson, an unemployed accountant, who spent most of his time at Cheers to avoid his wife, while running up a huge bar tab;

C arla Tortelli, a bitter sharp-tongued waitress, who had eight children; Cliff Clavin, a self-appointed expert on everything--a thirty-something mailman who still lived with his mother; Coach Pantusso, Sam’s former baseball coach, the original bartender who later died; and the naive farm boy, Woody Boyd, who replaced him.

O ften in need of a little analysis himself was psychiatrist, Dr. Frasier Crane. Dr. Lilith Crane, an extremely cold psychiatrist, was his wife.

M iss Rebecca Howe became Sam’s new girlfriend after Diane Chambers left to become a writer.

E van Drake and Robin Colcord were Rebecca’s boyfriends.

S haring their experiences and lives with each other, while drinking or working at the bar was the basis of each show.

T he action on the show usually took place in the bar area, but often moved to Sam’s office, or the poolroom.

H eated rivalry between Cheers and Gary’s Old Towne Tavern usually depicted a bet/ competition that devolved into complex practical jokes.

E ddie LeBec, an ice hockey player, was Carla’s second husband, and sleazy Nick Tortelli was her first husband. Eddie later ended up being killed by a Zamboni skating-rink machine.

S cripts often centered on a variety of controversial social issues such as alcoholism, homosexuality, and adultery

U pscale restaurant called Melville’s was located above the bar.

P rominent recurring themes included feminism. Diane was a vocal feminist, but Sam was the epitome of everything she hated: a womanizer and a male chauvinist. Their relationship led Diane to several verbal attacks on Sam's promiscuity,

E arly episodes generally followed Sam’s antics with various women. As the show progressed, Sam settled down into a monogamous lifestyle.

R ebecca was a stereotypical ambitious and gold-digging woman, seeking relationships with her superiors to gain promotions or raises.

B ill Medley of the Righteous Brothers was a guest on the show, playing himself.

O ther celebrities that guest starred included: Kevin McHale, Mike Ditka, Alex Trebek, Johnny Carson, John Kerry, Michael Dukakis, Harry Connick, Jr., Emma Thompson, and John Cleese.

W ill they or won’t they sexual tension was a recurrent theme between Sam and Diane, and later Rebecca.

L ast show aired May 20, 1993. (Emmy awards total 26 and Golden Globes total six.)
Reply:? Report It
Reply:I'm glad you liked it. It took "awhile" to figure this out. Thanks for BA! Kitty Report It
Reply:Love Me

Love me in the Springtime, when all is green and new,

Love me in the Summer, when the sky is oh so blue,

Love me in the Autumn, when the leaves are turning brown,

Love me in the Winter, when the snow is falling down.

Love me when I'm happy, and even when I'm sad,

Love me when I'm good, or when I'm oh so bad,

Love me when I'm pretty, or if my face is plain,

Love me when I'm feeling good, or when I'm feeling pain.

Love me always Princess', in the rain or shining sun,

Love me always Princess ', after all is said and done,

Love me always Princess, until all our life is through,

Love me always Princess ', for I'll be loving' you!

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