Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cytikinesis in plant cells differ how from animal cells?

Cytokinesis in plant cells differs from this process in animal cells because

a. the inner plasma membrane divides by cytokinesis as in animal cells and then secretes a cellulose cell wall.

b. asters coalesce to form a fibrous plate that reinforces with cellulose.

c. microtubules are laid down in a plywood-like cell plate pattern.

d. the Golgi apparatus produces vesicles that migrate along microtubules and fuse to become a cell plate.

e. the plant endoplasmic reticulum forms a cell plate.

**My answer D. But not sure!
Cytikinesis in plant cells differ how from animal cells?
D. is correct. Plant cells make a cell plate from fusing vesicles, while animal cells do not make cell plates in cytokinesis.

Good job!

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