Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My mum come's back?

well about 18 mounths ago my mum and dad split up.

my mum ran off to america for a nother man and lied about it

she told me about it 2 mounthes aster she left and told me not to tall my family about it .

all so she mad things hard for us all

she has now come back and wonts things to be the way thay where bafor she left us all.

she has got back with my dad and wont us to be happy for them and stan behined them for evry thing

i fell she left us all because of my dad and come back for him not me and mt sisters and brother

i can't be happy for them but thay wont lison to me.

so what should i do?
My mum come's back?
Accept it and go on. The split was between them. You will grow up and leave home someday. They are your parents so be happy for them. Good Luck.
Reply:Here's the great tragedy of cheating; you don't just cheat on your spouse/partner, you are cheating on everyone in the family. The primary relationship, between your mom and dad, has taken a real body blow and if he can take her back and get over what she's done then I hope you will support him. But the relationship between your mom and each of the children has also suffered.

But you have a choice to make. You can have it out with her or you can hold your tongue and wait and see what happens between her and your dad. She's obviously in very severe denial about what she's done and if you think about it, she has to be to even be able to come back.

Just because they have reunited does not mean everything is reconciled. This type of betrayal often takes years to mend. In the mean time, you will just have to wait and see. I don't mean you should be happy, but be civil to your mom and give a lot of emotional support to your dad. But if you duke it out with your mom now, you might be hurting your dad again.
Reply:First you should try using the "check spelling" box sometime. I can barely make out what you are asking. Anyway, I don't think that things will ever be the same as they were before. But give her some time. Maybe, just maybe she can convince you why she came back. If your dad is happy then try to be happy for him. Good luck.
Reply:You should smile, pretend to care and in the mean while get your education (finish high school and go to college and graduate). Then you should get a career and save up and move out and live your life better than they did.
Reply:Maybe your mum just made a mistake and didn't realise what she had until she left. It's easy to take other people for granted, especially if they've been married for a while. If someone else enters the picture and makes her feel attractive and wanted, then it's really tempting to leave the marriage. It sounds like she's come to her senses, though, so I'd give her a chance.

Things won't ever be the same, but they can still be good if everyone is working towards the same goals. Give her a break, and forgive your dad for wanting her back in his life. Maybe everyone can learn from this, to communicate better, and not take each other for granted.

Good luck.

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